Josephite House of Villa Bosch - Archivio Presentazioni - Forum Pastorale - La FDM al servizio degli ultimi

Josephite House of Villa Bosch


Members of the community: Father Nadino, Father Patricio Pulgar Gil, Brother Rodrigo


General information




In the context of the economic crisis that crosses our country, the social structure has suffered transformations, marked by the deepening of the inequality in the distribution and by the poverty; and a process of social fragmentation characterized by the breakup of the primary relationships and the difficulties to develop collective strategies to  overcome the social conditioning and emergent obstacles due to this context.

The family institution, fundamental in the social reproduction, suffers deeply the multiple destructive effects of the growth of the poverty that generates a high vulnerability index and it causes damages in the socio-affective relationships.

The emergent manifestations of this situation are, among other: the violation of  the rights of the children and adolescents, the alcoholism, the drug addiction, the delinquency, the exclusion from the formal educational system, the insufficient preparation to face the labor system, etc. The classic interventions interested only what is emergent or the symptoms of the problem. A new and complementary intervention is needed.


Origin of the Community Educational Center “San José


The Community Educational CenterSan José” arises in the year 2000, as answer to the community of Villa Bosch that demands new intervention forms and participation. It is constituted as a space where solidarity is lived, in the search of a more fraternal and just society.

Non lucrative Associations and groups linked to diverse religious communities always existed. The newness is this widespread conscience of the task that they can develop in a society whose institutions are in constant transformation. There is a function of participation in the bond existing among the citizen and the problems of its collectivity that it is assigned increasingly to the organizations of the civil society.


Population beneficiary

The population beneficiary of the Program are all the children, girls and adolescents between the 12 and 20 years of age, with priority for those that are in a situation of psycho-social vulnerability.

Here the characteristics of the adolescents that will participate in the project:

-          expelled from the school.

-          low school results.

-          frequent school failures.

-          neither chance for work nor for study.

-          they live in the street.

-          they are baby-mothers or baby-fathers.

-          use of toxic substances.

-          Without support from the family or disintegration of the same.

-          Situation of economic poverty


Type of Work: I center Educational Community.


Human resources

Team of General Coordination

Sebastian Fozzatti. (Prof. of Philosophy and Sciences of the Education)

Adrián Shantá (Lic in Psychology, Prof. of Philosophy and Sciences of the Education)

Coordinator of Coexistence and Pedagogic

Silvana Of I Gave birth to (Teacher)

I equip Educational

Fabiana Juárez (Prof. of First and Second Cycle of EPB)

Silvana Of I Gave birth to (Teacher Normal Superior)

Team of Orientation

Adrián Shantá

Carlos Sweeps (Lic in Psychology)

Cristina Menchaca (Lic in Psychology)

Thin Natalia (Lic in Social Work)

Marina Pinea (Lic in Social Work)

Team of Talleristas

Enrique Fernández (Suitable)

Cristian Chacón (Teacher Baker)

Team of Snack

Fabiana Juárez

Silvana Of I Gave birth to

Cristian Chacón

Exciting of Coexistence

Facundo Gatti (Student of Sociology)

I equip of Volunteers

Melody (Prof. of Folklore)

Daniel (Prof. of Folklore)

Marcelo (Architect)

Antonio (Accountant)

Silvana (Designer of Dress)

Marcela (Designer of Dress)


Profile of the operators, educators


-          Knowledge of the reality of the community.

-          Good relationship with the adolescents and their families.

-          Good image in the community.

-          Personal characteristics and appropriate actitudes to accompany children and adolescents.

-          Oriented to create spaces of communication that strengthen the children and adolescents in all their aspects, working those factors of risk and/or protection for the development of their vital project.


Educational-Pastoral work


General objective:

To give to young in vulnerability situation, a community space of protection, of permanency, of sense of belonging, of orientation and to accompany them to become citizens as active subjects of right.


Spiritual proposal

It is based on the life and the youths' experience.

It shows us a difficult road, but we are on  the way walking. The youths and the Holy Spirit will guide us.


Professional formation

It is oriented to transmit  to the adolescents the aspects related to the culture of the work, the social abilities, the capacity to communicate and the possible managment of some productive projects.


Recreational, sport and cultural activities


-         Attractive activities.

-         Activities that help the need of the adolescents to express, to participate and to communicate.

-         Activities that allow to carry out a working process, oriented to the achievement of the objectives of the program and to acquire tolerance to the frustration.


Family house


In an exceptional and transitory way, some youths have lived in the educational Center, as alternative strategy to the street, until it will be possible to reinsert him in his own the family or in some other specific institution.


Relationship with the social context


The center is founder and promoter of the “Red de Ifancia, Adolescencia y Familia de Tres de Febrero” (Net of Childhood, Adolescence and Family of the 3 February) (district in which it is inserted).

 In the organization participate:


-         the Municipality, through the direction of: Childhood, Adolescence, Family; Of Youth and Of Culture and The House of the Justice.

-         Juvenile Penal tribunals.

-         Tribunals of Family.

-         Tribunal of Peace.

-         Sub secretary of Childhood of the County of Buenos Aires, in charge together with the Municipality of the Policy of the law of Childhood.

-         I center Provincial of Prevention of the Addictions.

-         Inspectors of Education with the teams in adolescence.

-         Diocesan Cáritas of San Martin and the tuition centers that it coordinates.

-         And other OSC heading to the childhood in vulnerability situation.


This net works from the year 2004, and the same one has been able to occupy a place of reference, of consult, of discussion and implementation of strategies and policies for Childhood in the area.


Young that don't enter in our structure


In relation to the youths and families that don't enter in our structure, we started the Project “From the Street to the Playground”, with varied results, since it is in constant evaluation.


From the Street to the Playground


-         To avail to young a space of sense of belonging, permanency and orientation as alternative to the street.

-         To instill rules and norms through the game and the recreation.

-         To generate trust towards the adult world.

-         To regularize documentation, and controls of health.

-         To help the youths making reference to those who are responsible of them.