Guinea Bissau: - English - Archivio Presentazioni - Forum Pastorale - La FDM al servizio degli ultimi

Guinea Bissau: - English



Congregation of St. Joseph - Josephites of Murialdo - GUINEA BISSAU  


The Congregation  of St. Joseph - Josephites of Murialdo is present in Guinea Bissau in the town of Bula, 40 km from the capital, since 1984.

Today Josephites are in Bula and in Bissau. This year they celebrate 25 years of presence in Guinea Bissau with a history of evangelization, social action, human development with children, adolescents and young people.

The congregation has worked Bula, in Bissau and tabancas (villages) with the aim of evangelization, education, health and vocational training.

they performs their evangelizer,  educational, social and cultural potential, in harmony and communion with the Church, through the following activities:

  1. CIFAP - Centro de Formação Profissional Artesanal of Bula (courses: Agriculture, Mechanics, Forging, Carpentry, Computer Science)
  2. CIFAP - Centro de Formação Profissional Artesanal of Bissau (Civil Construction, Mechanics, Electricity, Economics, Computer Science)
  3. Saint Antony parish in Bula Parish
  4. Saint Antony of Bandim in Bissau
  5. Bula Youth Centre (Contra-turno school)
  6. Bissau Youth Centre (Contra-turno school)
  7. Murialdo High School in Bula (from 4th gymnasium)
  8. Primary Education Center in Bissau (from 1st to 4th year)
  9. Self-women cooperative Projects in Bula (processing of agricultural products, honey, fruit ....)
  10. Outpatient medical and Nutrition Center in Bissau
  11. Former Students Cooperative in Civil and Mechanical Construction in Bula and Bissau.


The Mission of Bissau and Bula can count on local professionals, Josepthites brothers, on the Help of the Congregation and of the Delegation of Africa and sporadically on volunteers  and the support of Italian  Friends of Guinea Bissau.