Engim Internazionale: ENGLISH

Organigramma                     Progetti                   VISION e MISSION        http://www.engiminternazionale.org/         http://www.engim.org/

ENGIM was founded on 6th December 1977 as a registered non-governmental organisation to promote development cooperation for the underdeveloped people all over the world. Ever since, the organisation has been involved in arranging co finance for development projects in the third world countries, public awareness on issues and development, educational support, emergency relief, livelihood assistance, rehabilitation of refugees, providing for volunteer services, etc.



The Aim


The aim of Engim is the promotion of activities concerning vocational training and the improvement of the value of human resources especially in favour of young and less-advantaged people.

Vocational training has always been considered as a fundamental step towards a right implementation of strategies as far as labour is concerned.

The offer of an up-dated technical and professional education trough a qualified didactic curriculum, the elaboration and management of global projects to ensure a balanced growth of human resources (not only technical), the utilisation of new technology but also adaptability and respect for different point of view remain determinant for an integrated development of the civil society.

Engim since its foundation, has been pursuing a policy that enables both members, workers and students to be active parts in the social and economic process.

Careful attention is paid to ensure interaction among all the actors involved. Cohesion is achieved by close cooperation among schools, local authorities, small and medium enterprises and people associations. At present Engim  promotes and supports projects in Italy and in the world  concerning:

·        Vocational education and technical training

·        Developing projects in development countries

·        Livelihood promotion

·       Studies and seminaries on labour problems and job orientation

·        Public awareness/development education
·       Sending of volunteers across for humanitarian services




Guinea Bissau

Sierra Leone








Neste momento o Engim em campo internacional està atuando em 3 (tres) planos distintos:



As far as cooperation with Development countries partners is concerned, activities regard both the continuation of project started in the past years and the elaboration of new participations with the intention to carry out new programmes.


The results reached are the consequence of a network of contacts and collaborations that Engim considered and still considers a strategic priority .


Thanks to the experiences obtained during many years in specific fields (Engim operates since 1977) such as vocational training, Vocational and job counselling, labour market insertion especially for young people, Engim intends to cooperate as a partner or simply as a supporter in programmes concerning development both in Italy and abroad.

Sometimes it determines a limited involvement in time and forces, sometimes it require more complex and structured commitments. Among the former there are the activities supported at an informal level, with the participation of associates and staff during their free time. Among the latter there are  micro-projects concerning technology and skill transfer and the bigger programmes often in cooperation with several partner and involving Engim in the medium term.

Typical Engim activities concerning International cooperation have been enriched by a number of specific experiences which have supported and improved international cooperation in Developing Countries and public awareness concerning development issues:

Ø  Public awareness and training of global and development issues

Public awareness, information and training activities concerning development issues, have been implemented both towards students and people. Our effort is to update training curricula taking into account problem and need concerning globalisation and imbalance among north and south countries in the world. This is also a way to prepare new operators in international cooperation field for the future.

This kind of activity has been carried out by means of regular courses in Engim structures and by means of specific seminaries (one held in S.Severa (RM) on march 2003 and one held in Albano (RM) during 5 meetings from February to March 2003 and several other meeting organised by the new fair trade structure (see below).

Moreover, in 2003 a new activity has started in order to organize a new three-days seminar to be held in 2004, concerning educational strategy for  Teachers and School management with reference to public awareness of global and development issues. The several meetings that involved Engim staff have produced the needed seminar materials.


Ø  Fair trade Servizi Solidali e Commercio equo e solidale

“Bottega del Mondo –Engim” was born in June 2002 with the aim to promote fair trade in order to support a better world and more dignity for developing countries workers. It represents a multidiscipline educational opportunity which conjugates respect for different cultures and spread of new knowledge to be broadened in our territory supporting a solidaristic exchange network.

In 2003 the activity kept on consolidating at local, national and international level. At local

Level the fair trade shop opened in Rome, promoted several events, some of them with the participation of Development Countries partners. At National level “Bottega del Mondo Engim”, got in touch with several associations in order to support the opening of new shops, and participated to the national fair trade associations gatherings. At international level since 2003 Engim has started some fair trade project, managing directly all the steps necessary to allow development countries local products  to reach Italian shops. At the moment there are three project supported. They are simple projects but testify the vitality the new activity started.


Ø  Voluntary Civil Service  Servizio civile volontario

The aim Engim Civil service project is to involve young people in international cooperation activities, supporting their human and professional growth, giving them operative skills that can be used also after the end of the service.

Activities concerns:

ü    Promotion of the culture of peace, globalisation, and international solidarity, in cooperation with local organisations (people association, schools, citizens) to support the creation of a base of shared values and proposals to be spent locally.

ü    Promotion of groups of study on peace, solidarity, international politics issues producing alternatives languages for information exchanges.

ü    Support to Engim project concerning Child sponsorship, Fair trade, International cooperation



Ø  Child and small projects sponsorship     SOSTEGNO A DISTANZA  

At the moment there are around 2000 sponsorship project supported by Engim.

Thanks to the cooperation of 2000 singles of groups of people who engaged their selves, it is possible for Engim to help a child to study or a vocational centre to keep on training students in developing countries.

More than that this activities is also the first step towards more complex project, whose aim is to influence in way still more meaningful local development.


Ø  Child and small projects sponsorship projects concerning several geographical areas.



Obiettivi per il futuro

Il XXI Capitolo Generale della Congregazione di San Giuseppe, prendendo atto delle trasformazioni in atto nella nostra società ed interrogandosi sul modo in cui affrontare i nuovi orizzonti, pone a servizio della società stessa il proprio carisma per abbracciare il mondo in un continuo processo di interculturalità e internazionalità.


In questa prospettiva il Capitolo Generale ha anche proposto una raccomandazione specifica per Engim internazionale definito come un organismo utile per:

      Ø  la scelta e preparazione di volontari per le nostre missioni

Ø  la  elaborazione di progetti specifici per lo sviluppo di azioni solidali

Ø  favorire la nascita e lo sviluppo di altre ONG all’interno delle singole province e organismi similari, da mettere in rete

Nel suo percorso di progressiva crescita Engim Internazionale fa proprie quelle indicazioni e intende collaborare alla realizzazione di una rete di partenariato rafforzando la propria presenza e il proprio servizio in armonia con le delibere e le scelte del Consiglio Generale e della Conferenza Interprovinciale.
         Provincia Argentina

Engim ha avviato una proficua collaborazione con la Provincia Argentina-Chilena per la progettazione e realizzazione di progetti di promozione sociale anche a sostegno delle attività svolte presso le diverse opere.

In dicembre 2007 Engim e Provincia hanno costituito una Associazione (ENJOM) in attuazione della Raccomandazione del Capitolo Generale nr. 20  e della precedente Conferenza Interprovinciale “favorire la  nascita e lo sviluppo di ONG all’interno delle diverse province”


Delegazione Africa

E’ stato completato l’iter per il riconoscimento dell’Engim presso il Governo della Sierra Leone ed è al momento in discussione il modo in cui l’Engim potrà continuare a svolgere la propria attività in quel paese.


Provincia Italiana

Il rapporto tra Engim-ong e Provincia Italiana è naturalmente molto stretto, sia con riferimento alla valorizzazione anche sul versante internazionale delle competenze maturate presso le strutture Engim in Italia sia per le iniziative comuni in Albania e Romania.

In Romania la nascita della Fondazione Fisem promossa dalla Provincia è avvenuta in pieno clima di confronto e scambio con Engim-Ong ed è già stato approvato un progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra queste due realtà giuseppine.

In Albania il rapporto di collaborazione nella elaborazione di progetti e strategie a supporto sia di iniziative in loco sia della crescita della struttura Engim-Ong è forte e di lunga data. 


Provincia Ecuadoriana Colombiana

in questi ultimi mesi si sta favorendo la costituzione di un ufficio Engim con una rete di operatori a cui affidare la realizzazione di diversi progetti di sviluppo.





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